After Lao Zeng's sudden health scare, the once united family begins to unravel. Each member of the family deals with their emotions and problems in their own ways, leading to arguments and misunderstandings. Zeng Zhiting feels guilty for neglecting her family and tries to make up for it by taking care of Lao Zeng at the hospital, but her siblings accuse her of being selfish and only caring about her career.

Zeng Zhidong, on the other hand, is burdened by the pressure of running a successful hotel and feels like his family doesn't understand him. Zeng Zhixiang struggles with his feelings for Xiang Jie, who is older than him and has a child. He worries about how his family will react if they find out about their relationship. Zeng Zhiling, the youngest and wild one in the family, continues to act recklessly and doesn't seem to understand the severity of their situation.

As they spend more time at the hospital and learn about their father's condition, the Zeng family realizes the importance of family and how they need to come together to support each other during this difficult time. They begin to reconcile their differences and learn to communicate with each other. Zeng Zhiting takes a break from work and spends time with her family, Zeng Zhidong opens up to his siblings about his struggles, Zeng Zhixiang introduces Xiang Jie to his family, and Zeng Zhiling learns to be more responsible and mature.

Through their struggles and conflicts, the Zeng family learns that family is not just about blood relations but also about love, support, and understanding. By the end of the show, they are a stronger and more united family, ready to face any challenges that come their way.

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