"Rescue Me" was created by Denis Leary and Peter Tolan and aired on FX from 2004 to 2011. The series stars Leary as Tommy Gavin, a veteran firefighter struggling with PTSD after the September 11 attacks, as well as his personal demons such as alcoholism and infidelity. Alongside him are his fellow firefighters and friends, each dealing with their own personal struggles both on and off the job.

The show features a mix of intense action sequences and dark humor, often exploring sensitive topics such as addiction, mental health, and grief. Throughout the series, the characters face a range of challenges, from battling fires to coping with family drama, and often turn to each other for support.

"Rescue Me" was praised for its portrayal of the bond between firefighters and its exploration of the emotional tolls of the job. It also received critical acclaim for its ensemble cast, which includes actors such as Daniel Sunjata, Steven Pasquale, and John Scurti.

Overall, "Rescue Me" is a hard-hitting drama that delves into the complexities of life as a firefighter and the toll it takes on those who risk their lives for others.

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