Pride and Prejudice is a legal drama centered around a team of young prosecutors, each with their unique background and reasons for joining the prosecution team. The series is set in a South Korean legal system, where corruption and backdoor negotiations are rampant, and the strong prey on the weak.

The team is headed by Choi Jin-hyuk (Lee Tae-joon), who is the son of a famous prosecutor and has his reasons for wanting to make a difference. He's joined by Baek Jin-hee (Han Yeol-moo), who is brilliant but struggles with her low social status, and Chae Jung-an (Kim Hye-kyung), who is a single mother determined to provide her daughter with a better life.

The team faces an uphill battle as they tackle cases involving the rich and powerful, often with the odds stacked against them. However, they are fueled by their passion for justice and their determination to make a difference.

As the series progresses, the team learns to work together, despite their initial personality clashes and external pressures. They tackle complex cases involving murder, sexual assault, and corruption, all while struggling to maintain their personal lives and relationships.

Along the way, the team faces obstacles and setbacks, including threats from powerful forces, internal power struggles, and personal betrayals. However, they persevere in their quest for justice, proving that, even in a corrupt system, good can triumph over evil.

Overall, Pride and Prejudice is a gripping legal drama that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. It's a story of perseverance, passion, and the human spirit, reminding us that justice is worth fighting for, no matter what the cost.

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