As the story unfolds, Hae Lin finds herself torn between her growing feelings for Woo Jin and her unresolved feelings for Eun Hwan. She tries to navigate the complexities of her emotions while also dealing with the pressures of university life and friendships.

Meanwhile, Woo Jin starts to realize his own feelings for Hae Lin and decides to confess his feelings to her. This confession complicates matters even further as Hae Lin is unsure of what to do and how to handle the situation.

On the other hand, Eun Hwan struggles with his memory loss and tries to piece together his past with Hae Lin. He is determined to win her back and make amends for the mistakes he made before leaving the university.

As the love triangle intensifies, Hae Lin is faced with a difficult decision that could potentially change the course of her relationships with both Woo Jin and Eun Hwan. Will she choose to follow her heart, or will she take a different path that could lead to unforeseen consequences?

The unfolding drama explores themes of love, friendship, forgiveness, and self-discovery as the characters navigate the ups and downs of young love and the complexities of relationships.

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