One Day at a Time is a Netflix sitcom that centers around the Alvarez family, consisting of a newly single Latina mother, Penelope, and her two children, Elena and Alex. Penelope is a veteran of the United States Army who is trying to adjust to civilian life, working as a nurse practitioner. Her traditional Cuban mother, Lydia, also lives with them in their apartment.

The show tackles important issues such as mental health, immigration, and sexism in a comedic and heartwarming way. Elena is a feminist and social justice warrior, while Alex is a typical tween boy interested in video games and sports. The show also portrays Penelope's struggles with PTSD after serving in Afghanistan, and her journey towards seeking help and healing.

One of the standout characters in the show is Schneider, the quirky and lovable building manager who is always willing to lend a helping hand. The show portrays the complexities of contemporary family life, with the added challenges of being Latinx in America.

One Day at a Time has been praised for its diversity in casting and storylines, and a fourth season was released in 2020. Despite its loyal fanbase, the show was cancelled by Netflix but was later picked up by Pop TV for a fifth season. The show has been both a critical and commercial success and has been praised for its inclusive representation.

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