Life on Earth is a TV series that was produced by the BBC and hosted by the British naturalist, Sir David Attenborough. The series aimed to chronicle the history of life on Earth, starting from the first primitive cells that existed approximately 3.5 billion years ago and progressing through the various branches of life that eventually led to multi-cellular organisms, plants, and animals.

The series consists of a total of thirteen episodes, each of which explores a particular theme or era in the evolution of life. Some of the topics covered include the origins of life, the diversification of plants and animals, the evolution of vertebrates, and the impact of humans on the natural world.

Throughout the series, Sir David Attenborough provides insightful commentary and analysis of the various aspects of biological evolution. He also presents a range of fascinating examples from the natural world that illustrate the scientific principles being discussed.

Life on Earth is widely regarded as one of the most influential and groundbreaking TV documentaries ever made. It won numerous awards and has since been referenced in countless other scientific and documentary works on evolutionary biology.

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