Bosom Buddies was a sitcom that aired on ABC from 1980 to 1982. The show starred Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari as best friends Kip Wilson and Henry Desmond, who work at an ad agency in New York City. When their apartment building is converted into an all-female residence, they are left with no place to live. In a desperate attempt to find affordable housing, they dress up as women named Buffy and Hildegarde and rent a room in the same building.

Kip and Henry must navigate their new identities as women while trying to keep their secret from their colleagues and the other female residents of the building. Along the way, they develop close relationships with their new female friends, including their neighbor Isabelle (Wendie Jo Sperber) and the building's resident manager, Lilly (Lucille Benson).

The show was known for its comedic moments and often tackled issues of gender and social norms. Over the course of two seasons, Bosom Buddies became a cult classic and launched the career of Tom Hanks, who went on to become one of Hollywood's biggest stars.

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