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Season 5

Angel is a television series that aired from 1999 to 2004 and served as a spin-off to the popular series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show follows the character of Angel, a vampire who was cursed with a soul after committing many heinous acts. He moves to Los Angeles, where he starts a new life and battles evil forces while working to redeem himself for his past actions.

Angel sets up an investigation agency called Angel Investigations, along with his team of allies, including Cordelia Chase, a former high school student who becomes his personal assistant and later a powerful seer, and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, a former Watcher who initially comes to L.A. to track Angel down.

Throughout the series, Angel fights various demons, vampires, and other supernatural creatures while also encountering humans with supernatural abilities or connections to the supernatural world. He also has a complicated relationship with his former love interest Buffy, who appears on the show a few times.

As the show progresses, Angel's pursuit of redemption becomes more urgent, and the consequences of his past actions affect his present and future. The show ends with a controversial series finale, leaving many fans with mixed feelings and hoping for some sort of continuation or closure.

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