The show was created by John Boni and Bob Booker and produced by New World Television. It starred Maureen Flannigan as Evie Ethel Garland, a teenage girl who discovers on her 13th birthday that she is half-alien. Her father is an alien from the planet Antareus, and her mother is a human.

Evie discovers that she has supernatural powers, including the ability to freeze time by touching her index fingers together, communicate with her father through a glowing cube called the "cube-o-compass", and summon objects from outer space with a device called the "stellar converter". She also has a guardian named "Beano" (played by comedian Joe Alaskey), a furry alien creature who follows her around and helps her keep her powers in check.

The show follows Evie as she tries to navigate the challenges of being a teenager with supernatural powers, living in a normal human family, and dealing with the occasional interference from her alien father. She attends high school, has crushes on boys, and gets into typical teenage hijinks, all while trying to keep her powers a secret from her friends and family.

Out of This World was known for its unique use of split-screen effects, which were used to show Evie freezing time and communicating with her father. The show also had a memorable theme song, sung by country music star Juice Newton.

Despite its cult following, Out of This World was never a huge ratings success and was cancelled after four seasons. However, it remains a beloved part of 80s and 90s pop culture for its quirky premise, charming cast, and nostalgic appeal.

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