It's About Time follows the adventures of two astronauts, Mac (played by Frank Aletter) and Hector (played by Jack Mullaney), who accidentally travel back in time to prehistoric Earth through a crack in the space-time continuum. They find themselves in a world inhabited by cavemen and dinosaurs, where they are taken in by a friendly tribe led by Shad (Imogene Coca) and Gronk (Joe E. Ross).

As Mac and Hector try to adjust to their new surroundings and find a way back to their own time, they must navigate the challenges of living in a primitive society while also dealing with various prehistoric dangers, including rival tribes, hungry dinosaurs, and the unpredictable nature of time travel.

The series explores themes of friendship, survival, and the clash of modern technology with ancient ways of life, all while providing plenty of humor and slapstick comedy. Despite its short run, It's About Time remains a cult favorite among fans of classic television.

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