Fury follows the adventures of Jim Newton, a recently widowed horse rancher who forms a special bond with a wild stallion named Fury. The series explores the relationship between Jim and Fury, as well as Jim's relationship with his adopted son Joey. Together, the trio faces various challenges and adventures on the ranch, often involving villains trying to steal Fury or disrupt the peace of the Broken Wheel Ranch.

As the show progresses, Joey grows up and starts to take on more responsibilities on the ranch, including caring for Fury and learning important life lessons from Jim. The addition of Packy in the later seasons adds a new dynamic to the show, as he becomes a close friend of Joey's and also shares in the adventures at the ranch.

Fury is known for its heartwarming storytelling, wholesome themes, and beautiful scenery of the California countryside. The show highlights the importance of friendship, loyalty, and love for animals, making it a beloved classic among fans of western television.

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