As the story unfolds in TV Blossom Campus, Kim Min Jae and Lee Kyu Ho navigate the challenges of balancing their academic and personal lives. Despite coming from different majors, they find solace in their shared love for music and sports.

Kim Min Jae's passion for practical music drives him to excel in his studies while working diligently at the library. He aspires to create his own unique sound and dreams of becoming a renowned musician. Through his part-time job, he encounters Lee Kyu Ho, a charismatic and skilled Taekwondo major.

Initially, Lee Kyu Ho is drawn to Kim Min Jae's talent and determination. He offers his assistance and becomes Min Jae's mentor in the world of Taekwondo. As the two spend more time together, their bond deepens, and they realize they have a lot in common beyond their respective majors.

The drama explores their blossoming friendship that eventually transitions into a romantic relationship. However, their journey is far from smooth, as they face various obstacles along the way. Challenges arise from their conflicting schedules, commitments, and societal expectations.

While striving to pursue their dreams, Min Jae and Kyu Ho must also confront their own insecurities and past traumas. Together, they provide each other with unwavering support, encouragement, and comfort. Their relationship becomes a source of strength as they find solace in each other's arms amidst the chaos of their ambitious pursuits.

Throughout the series, the drama delves into themes of self-discovery, finding one's passion, overcoming challenges, and the power of love and friendship. It showcases the growth of both characters individually and as a couple, highlighting their journey towards achieving their dreams and finding happiness in their relationship.

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