Zerophilia is a 2005 independent film directed by Martin Curland. The movie follows the story of Luke, a young man who discovers that he has the unique ability to change his gender at will. Luke, who has always been insecure about his masculine identity, is initially shocked and confused by this extraordinary power.

As he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, Luke discovers that there are others like him, known as Zerophiliacs, and they live among us. However, his newfound power creates more problems than he anticipated. Luke finds himself struggling to adjust to his changing identity, his relationships are confusing, and he has to deal with discrimination from people who do not understand his condition.

To further complicate matters, Luke falls in love with a girl named Michelle, who is unaware of his secret. When he becomes a woman, Luke has to navigate the complications of a same-sex relationship and confront the limitations imposed by our gendered expectations of romantic love.

As the movie progresses, Luke's journey of self-discovery becomes a quest for acceptance and an exploration of identity, love, and sexuality. The film offers a refreshingly non-judgmental portrayal of gender fluidity and celebrates the beauty of love beyond gender binaries.

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