Zero for Conduct Movie free online streaming

Rebels Unleashed: Defiance in Boarding School

Comedy,Drama  France 

Zero for Conduct is a 1933 French film directed by Jean Vigo. The movie's title is taken from the term "zero de conduite," which refers to the grade students would receive for disobeying school rules. The film follows a group of schoolboys who are fed up with the repressive nature of their boarding school and decide to rebel against their strict director, Huguet.

The four boys, who are all around 12 years old, are Vigo's son, Léon, his friend, Louis Lefebvre, Gilbert Pruchon, and Delphin. They are constantly being punished for breaking the school's rigid rules, which include wearing a uniform at all times, standing when a teacher enters a room, and going to bed at a specific time.

The boys' rebellion begins on the celebration day, which is supposed to be a day of fun and games. However, the director cancels all the festivities, so the boys decide to take matters into their own hands. They barricade themselves in their dormitory, climb out onto the roof, and begin throwing objects at the staff below.

Their rebellion escalates when they capture the school's flag and march through the halls, chanting and singing. The other students begin to join in, and chaos ensues. In the end, the director catches the boys and severely punishes them, but their rebellion has already sparked a revolt among the other students.

The movie is a poignant critique of the education system and the repressive nature of authority. It also serves as a tribute to childhood rebelliousness and the desire to be free from constraints. It remains a classic in French cinema and is widely regarded as one of Jean Vigo's best works.


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