Young Adam is a British psychological thriller film released in 2003. The movie follows a young drifter named Joe Taylor, who works on a river barge and is constantly getting into trouble with his co-workers. He is a moody, enigmatic young man who seems to be hiding a dark secret.

Joe's life takes a turn when he and his co-workers come across the dead body of a woman floating in the river. He knows more about the woman than he admits, but refuses to share the information with the authorities. His silence creates tension on the barge, causing his employers, Les and Ella Gault, to become suspicious of his actions.

As the story progresses, the relationships between Joe, Les, and Ella become increasingly complicated. Joe and Ella begin a sexual relationship while Les becomes increasingly jealous and suspicious of Joe's involvement with the dead woman. Meanwhile, Joe's own past continues to haunt him, leading to a series of disturbing revelations about his character and motivations.

The movie is a darkly atmospheric thriller that explores themes of guilt, grief, and sexual tension. It is based on the novel of the same name by Scottish writer Alexander Trocchi. The film received critical acclaim for its evocative cinematography, strong performances, and tense, brooding atmosphere.

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