The movie follows the story of Bryan Lighthouse, a pet photographer who lives a quiet and uneventful life in Los Angeles. One day, his life takes an unexpected turn when he is approached by his Hungarian neighbor, Masha, who offers him a large amount of money to marry her Croatian cousin, Ljubica.

Bryan agrees to the proposition, thinking it is just a business arrangement. However, his world is turned upside down when he is forced to travel to a remote tropical resort in the Pacific to spend his honeymoon with Ljubica.

Things take a dangerous turn when Ljubica is kidnapped by a group of pirates. Bryan decides to take matters into his own hands and embarks on a rescue mission to save his kidnapped bride. Along the way, he meets a cast of colorful characters including a tough-as-nails ex-marine, a quirky hotel owner, and an eccentric pirate leader.

As Bryan races against time to save his bride and confront the pirates, he also discovers a different side of himself. He realizes that he is not the meek and mild-mannered pet photographer he thought he was, but a courageous hero in the making.

In the midst of all the action and adventure, Bryan also discovers a budding romance with his tough-as-nails marine friend, Tonya. Together, they fight to save Ljubica and bring the pirates to justice, while also navigating their growing feelings for each other.

You May Not Kiss the Bride is a thrilling and entertaining movie filled with action, adventure, romance, and humor.

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