In the movie, Yor, the protagonist, discovers that he is from a technologically advanced civilization and sets out on a journey to uncover his origins. Along the way, he encounters various tribes and groups, including a group of rebels led by Ka-Laa (played by Ayshe Gul). Yor also faces off against the evil Overlord (John Steiner) and his henchmen who seek to control the future world.

As Yor navigates this futuristic world, he showcases his strength and bravery, facing dangerous challenges and battles. Throughout his quest, Yor is driven by his desire to find his true identity and purpose in this strange new world.

The movie is filled with action-packed scenes, colorful characters, and impressive special effects for its time. Despite its low-budget origins and somewhat campy nature, Yor, the Hunter from the Future has gained a cult following among fans of science fiction and fantasy films.

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