In Yesterday, Jack Malik is a struggling musician who plays in small venues and has very few fans. Despite the lack of success, he keeps writing songs with the hope of one day becoming famous. However, his dreams are shattered when a global blackout occurs and Jack is hit by a bus.

When he wakes up in the hospital, Jack realizes that he is the only person on Earth who remembers The Beatles and their music. At first, he is hesitant to perform their songs because he feels like he is stealing from them. However, his friend Ellie convinces him to play some of their songs for a local music festival.

After his performance of "Yesterday" becomes a hit, Jack starts to rise to fame. He is signed by a record label and becomes an international sensation, but he struggles to keep up with the fame. He also becomes torn between his love for Ellie and the prospect of stardom.

As Jack's star continues to rise, he becomes increasingly paranoid that someone will discover his secret. His guilt builds as he receives more and more accolades for singing songs that he didn't write.

In the end, Jack decides to give up his fame and confesses to Ellie that he loves her. The two reconnect, and Jack continues to write music on his own terms. Yesterday is a heartwarming and funny movie that explores the nature of fame and the power of music.

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