The film follows a team of researchers who venture into the wilderness of New Hampshire to investigate the sudden disappearance of the population of Friar in 1940. As they make their way up the same winding mountain trail, the team begins to encounter strange and inexplicable phenomena.

As they get closer to the top, they discover the word YELLOWBRICKROAD etched into a stone slab and realize that it may hold the key to the mystery. They follow the trail deeper into the forest, but as they do so, they begin to unravel psychologically and emotionally.

As they descend further into madness, they begin to turn on each other, and the trail becomes more elusive and dangerous. It ultimately leads them to a terrifying and surreal climax that only exacerbates their psychological upheaval.

YellowBrickRoad is a chilling and unsettling film that explores themes of human nature, the unknown, and the power of the human psyche. It leaves viewers asking questions long after the credits roll.

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