In "X-Men: Days of Future Past," the mutant population has been decimated by killer robots known as Sentinels. These robots were created by Master Mold, an advanced Sentinel that can adapt to any mutant power. The remaining X-Men are hiding in China, where Kitty Pryde can send the consciousness of someone back in time a few days.

Kitty sends Wolverine back to 1973 to stop an assassination that sets the Sentinels into production. In the past, Wolverine must convince a young Charles Xavier, who has lost his powers and given up on the dream of a peaceful integration, to help him break Magneto out of prison and stop Mystique from killing Trask, the creator of the Sentinels.

Meanwhile, the X-Men of the future fight a losing battle against the Sentinels, hoping that Wolverine can fix the past and save their present. As Wolverine tries to change the course of history, tensions rise between the young and old X-Men, with Magneto and Mystique pushing for a more radical solution to the mutant problem.

The film features a star-studded cast, including Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Patrick Stewart, and James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender as Magneto, and Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. It was directed by Bryan Singer and grossed over $747 million worldwide.

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