Dr. James Xavier is a scientist obsessed with his research on the human eye and a single-minded pursuit of knowledge. He develops a serum that he believes could enhance human vision beyond all limits. However, his experiments are interrupted by a lack of funding, causing him to use the serum on himself. As a result, he gains the ability to see through walls and clothes, as well as to see beyond the visible spectrum of light.

The serum also causes his eyes to become unnaturally enlarged and red, which freaks out everyone around him. He begins to experience dizzying visions and hallucinations, and soon becomes incapacitated by his newfound abilities. He decides to flee from the medical community that seeks to exploit him and sets off on a quest to explore the deepest mysteries of the universe.

His journey leads him to a carnival, where he becomes a psychic performer and cultivates a following, taking drugs to enhance his powers even further. But soon the drugs begin to take a toll on his sanity, and he is haunted by images of otherworldly beings that he believes are trying to communicate with him.

As he descends into madness, Dr. Xavier's actions become increasingly erratic and dangerous, and he ultimately pays a heavy price for his pursuit of knowledge. The film ends with a haunting shot of his bloodshot eyes, staring off into the unknown.

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