In "Wynonna Earp: Vengeance," the iconic demon hunter Wynonna Earp returns to her hometown of Purgatory to confront a new evil threatening the town. This time, her enemy is a seductive and manipulative villain who is seeking vengeance against Wynonna and her loved ones.

As Wynonna battles this dangerous foe, she must also face her own inner demons and past traumas. With the help of her sister Waverly, the mysterious Doc Holliday, and the Black Badge Division, Wynonna must navigate treacherous waters and make difficult choices to protect those she cares about.

The stakes are higher than ever as Wynonna fights not only to save Purgatory, but also to protect her own soul from the darkness that threatens to consume her. The battle between good and evil rages on in this thrilling installment of the Wynonna Earp series.

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