Wrong is a surreal comedy film written and directed by Quentin Dupieux. It follows the story of Dolph Springer, a man who wakes up one morning to find that his beloved dog, Paul, has gone missing. Desperate to find his furry friend, Dolph embarks on a bizarre and absurd journey that leads him to cross paths with a range of eccentric characters.

At the heart of the film is Dolph's growing disorientation and disconnect from reality. As he delves deeper into his search for Paul, he finds himself increasingly disconnected from the world around him, losing touch with his job, his marriage, and his own sense of self.

Along the way, Dolph encounters an odd cast of characters, including a pizza delivery man who is convinced he is a detective, a manic gardener who insists on watering plants with his own bodily fluids, and an enigmatic guru who promises to help Dolph find Paul but seems to be leading him down a path of madness.

Despite its surreal and absurd tone, Wrong is ultimately a poignant meditation on loss, loneliness, and the search for connection in a chaotic and unpredictable world. Through Dolph's journey, the film explores themes of identity, memory, and the human need for companionship, offering a haunting and thought-provoking commentary on the human condition.

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