Wrong Cops is a 2013 comedy film written and directed by Quentin Dupieux. The film follows a group of LAPD cops, who are predominantly corrupt and immoral, as they navigate their way through various criminal activities and misadventures.

The story is centred around a cop named Duke (played by Mark Burnham), who accidentally shoots a young man while on duty. Instead of reporting the incident, Duke enlists the help of his fellow bad cops to dispose of the body.

However, things don't go as smoothly as planned, and the cops find themselves dealing with a variety of strange and hilarious situations. Along the way, they encounter a drug-dealing teenager, a disgruntled neighbor, and a bizarre techno DJ.

The film features an ensemble cast that includes Mark Burnham, Eric Wareheim, Steve Little, and Marilyn Manson, among others. Wrong Cops premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and was released in select theaters and on Video on Demand platforms. The film received mixed reviews, with critics praising its offbeat humor and unique style, but criticizing its lack of narrative coherence.

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