The movie World War Four is a sci-fi/action film set in modern times where tensions between nations continue to rise, ultimately leading to global war. The story follows the Anderson family, consisting of a father (played by actor Sean Bean), a mother, and their two children, as they struggle to stay alive in the midst of the chaos.

The film begins with a series of events that escalate quickly, including terrorist attacks, political assassinations, and military conflicts. In response, the world's superpowers begin to mobilize their armies and prepare for war.

As the fighting intensifies and the threat of nuclear weapons looms, the Andersons find themselves separated and struggling to survive. The father joins a resistance movement while the mother and children seek refuge underground.

The family is forced to contend with bombings, street fighting, and enemy soldiers as they try to stay alive and reunite. Along the way, they encounter other survivors, both friendly and hostile, and struggle to trust anyone in a world where alliances are constantly shifting.

The climax of the film features a massive battle between the world's armies and the deployment of nuclear weapons. The Andersons, along with the rest of humanity, must face the devastating consequences of their actions and fight to rebuild in the aftermath of World War Four.

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