"Words on Bathroom Walls" is a movie based on the novel of the same name by Julia Walton. The story revolves around Adam, a high school senior who is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia after experiencing intense hallucinations. Adam's life is turned upside down as he struggles to deal with his illness while trying to maintain a sense of normalcy.

Despite his illness, Adam is determined to graduate from high school and attend culinary school. He is also determined to win over Maya, a classmate who he has a crush on. However, Adam's hallucinations make it difficult for him to keep his illness a secret from his peers, including Maya.

Desperate to keep his illness under control, Adam is encouraged by his doctor to participate in an experimental drug trial. The trial promises to help Adam control his hallucinations and keep his illness hidden from those around him.

As Adam takes the drug, he experiences several side effects and begins to question whether he made the right choice. Meanwhile, he continues to battle his illness and navigate the challenges of high school life.

Throughout the movie, Adam's struggle with schizophrenia is portrayed with honesty and sensitivity. The film highlights the importance of understanding mental illness and the need for more support and resources for those who are affected.

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