The documentary includes interviews with many famous actors and actresses who have worked with Allen, such as Diane Keaton, Scarlett Johansson, Martin Scorsese, and Cate Blanchett. These interviews offer personal stories and insights into Allen's directing style and the collaborative process on his films.

The film also delves into Allen's personal life, including his upbringing in Brooklyn and his early years in the entertainment industry. It explores his relationships with family members and the enduring influence of his parents on his work. The documentary also covers Allen's controversial relationship with actress Mia Farrow and the subsequent custody battle over their children.

Throughout the film, Weide uses archival footage to showcase Allen's prolific career and creative process. He also offers a nuanced examination of Allen's reputation in the wake of sexual abuse allegations made by Farrow and others.

Overall, "Woody Allen: A Documentary" provides an in-depth look at one of the most influential filmmakers of the 20th century, offering both personal and professional insights into a complex and often controversial figure.

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