Women is Losers is a coming-of-age drama film set in San Francisco during the 1960s. The story follows Celina Guerrera, a bright and talented catholic school girl who is forced to navigate a difficult home life. Her mother is an alcoholic, her father is absent, and her siblings are too young to help. Celina copes by adhering to the rules and expectations set by her community, but her life takes a turn when she becomes pregnant after a sexual encounter with her boyfriend.

Celina's boyfriend, Mateo, is not interested in taking on the responsibilities of fatherhood and breaks up with her. Celina is left alone to raise her child while struggling to finish high school. She faces discrimination and harassment from teachers who believe that young mothers have no place in school.

In order to provide for herself and her child, Celina works multiple jobs and tries to save enough money to attend college. She faces further challenges when her abusive ex-boyfriend, Pedro, returns to her life and tries to sabotage her efforts.

Despite the obstacles she faces, Celina refuses to give up on her dreams. She becomes a fierce advocate for herself and other women, fighting for equal rights and opportunities. The film explores themes of poverty, discrimination, and resilience, and highlights the importance of community and support systems in helping individuals overcome adversity.

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