"Womb" is a science fiction movie directed by Hungarian director Benedek Fliegauf, released in 2010. It stars French actress Eva Green and German actor Matt Smith.

The story is set in a future world where human cloning is possible. After the death of her boyfriend (also played by Matt Smith), Rebecca (Eva Green) decides to have his clone made. She carries the baby to term and raises him as her own son. The boy, who is named Thomas, grows up with a strong attachment to Rebecca and they become very close.

As Thomas reaches adulthood, the relationship between him and Rebecca becomes increasingly complex and fraught with tension. Thomas becomes emotionally and sexually attracted to Rebecca, while she struggles with the ethical and moral implications of her decision to give birth to her deceased lover's clone.

The film explores themes of love, loss, grief, and ethical dilemmas around cloning and artificial reproduction. It deals with issues of identity, attachment, and the boundaries of love and procreation.

The movie features a slow, contemplative pace, with a focus on the characters' emotions and psychological states. It has been praised for its beautiful cinematography, haunting score, and thought-provoking storyline.

"Womb" has divided audiences and critics alike, with some finding it disturbing or emotionally manipulative, while others have hailed it as a poignant and mesmerizing exploration of love and grief.

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