Witchtrap is a 1989 horror movie directed by Kevin S. Tenney. The film follows a group of parapsychologists who are hired by an elderly woman to investigate a haunted bed-and-breakfast. The team consists of Donovan (James W. Quinn), a former cop turned psychic, Ginger (Judy Tatum), a spiritualist who communicates with the dead, and Bret (Cameron Mitchell Jr.), a tech expert who sets up cameras and audio equipment to capture evidence of paranormal activity.

Upon arriving at the bed-and-breakfast with the skeptical cop, Lieutenant Thornton (Kevin James Sporman), the team quickly realizes that they are dealing with a powerful and malevolent supernatural force. The ghost of a Satanic cult leader, named Cyrus (Whitey Hughes), is haunting the property and will stop at nothing to protect his hidden treasure.

As the team begins to investigate, they realize that they are not alone in the bed-and-breakfast. The ghost of Cyrus is able to possess bodies and use them to kill anyone who stands in his way. The team struggles to find a way to banish the evil spirit before it is too late.

The movie features intense and graphic death scenes as well as a suspenseful plot. Witchtrap is often compared to Tenney's previous film, Night of the Demons, due to its use of practical effects and impressive makeup during the death scenes.

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