Windstorm: The Great Hurricane is the fourth installment in the popular Ostwind film series. This adventure-packed film follows the young heroine Ari and her loyal companion Ostwind as they embark on a dangerous mission to save a beautiful black stallion named Orcan.

When a powerful hurricane hits, the circus that Orcan belongs to seeks shelter at the Kaltenbach estate. But Ari notices that Orcan is not being treated well by the abusive circus director. With the help of her friend Carlo, Ari hatches a plan to free Orcan and return him to the wild where he belongs.

But the circus director is a cunning adversary and quickly discovers the plan, turning the tables on Ari and her friends. To make matters worse, Ostwind falls prey to the director's cruel schemes and is now in danger too.

With time running out, Ari and Carlo must rely on their wits and bravery to save Orcan and Ostwind from captivity. As they face down dangerous obstacles and cunning villains, the young heroes must also learn to trust in their own strength and capabilities.

Whether you're a fan of the Ostwind series or just looking for an exciting adventure with stunning horses, Windstorm: The Great Hurricane is a thrilling film that will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

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