Windfall is a tense thriller that follows the story of a desperate man who breaks into a luxurious vacation home belonging to a tech billionaire. The man, whose name is Jack, is struggling to make ends meet, and he sees the empty mansion as an opportunity to steal valuable items and make a quick buck. However, things take an unexpected turn when the billionaire and his wife arrive unexpectedly for a last-minute getaway.

The billionaire, named Eli, is an arrogant and manipulative man who likes to have things done his way. His wife, Sam, is more down-to-earth and compassionate, but she is also fiercely protective of her husband and their wealth. When Eli and Sam discover Jack hiding in their home, they are shocked and angry. Eli immediately calls the police, but Jack manages to escape and goes into hiding on the property.

As the story unfolds, tensions rise between the three characters as they navigate a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Eli and Sam try to find Jack and turn him over to the authorities, while Jack tries to evade capture and take as much loot as he can. Along the way, secrets are revealed, and alliances are formed and broken, leading to a thrilling and unexpected climax.

Windfall is a fast-paced and suspenseful movie that explores themes of greed, power, and survival. The dynamic performances of the lead actors, along with the stunning setting and expertly crafted script, make it a must-watch for fans of the thriller genre.

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