Wide Awake is a 1998 American comedy-drama film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film revolves around the life of a ten-year-old boy named Joshua A. Beal who attends a Catholic school in Philadelphia. Following the death of his grandfather, Joshua becomes preoccupied with finding the answers to the most profound questions of life, such as the existence of God and what happens to people after they die.

Throughout the film, Joshua embarks on a spiritual journey that involves interviewing a range of people from different religious backgrounds. He talks to a Rabbi, a Catholic priest, a Buddhist monk, and even his school guidance counselor. His quest to find meaning in life takes him to the brink of despair, as he grapples with his fear of death and the feeling of abandonment following his grandfather's passing.

Nevertheless, through some of his conversations, he has a breakthrough and discovers that his grandfather had indeed left him a legacy – namely, to find his own answers and his own faith. Ultimately, Joshua comes to a profound understanding of life's mysteries and what truly matters. The film ends on a hopeful note.

Wide Awake was well-received by audiences and critics alike, with many praising its exploration of spirituality, faith, and the importance of philosophy in everyday life. Although it is aimed primarily at younger audiences, it is a thought-provoking and heartwarming story that can be enjoyable for everyone.

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