As Phil and his family settle into their rental home in the Hamptons, tensions begin to rise. Phil is constantly on his phone, trying to keep up with the ever-changing demands of his hedge fund clients, while his wife, Sarah, struggles to homeschool their young son, Max.

Things get even more complicated when Charlie shows up unannounced, carrying only a duffel bag and a seemingly endless supply of booze. Charlie is the complete opposite of Phil - carefree, charming, and constantly looking for a good time. He quickly ingratiates himself with the family, and before long, the Hamptons trip has turned into a non-stop party.

But as the days go by, cracks begin to show. Sarah is increasingly frustrated with Phil's workaholic tendencies, and Max is struggling with the isolation and uncertainty of the pandemic. Meanwhile, Charlie's wild behavior is starting to wear thin on everyone, and his constant presence is putting a strain on Phil's marriage.

As tensions come to a head, secrets are revealed that threaten to tear the group apart. Phil is forced to confront his own shortcomings as a husband and father, while Charlie must come to terms with the demons that have been driving him to self-destruct.

Amidst the chaos, the specter of COVID-19 looms large, casting a pall over the normally carefree Hamptons lifestyle. As the pandemic worsens and the world grapples with an unprecedented crisis, Phil and his family are forced to confront the fragility of their privileged existence, and the true meaning of what it means to be a family.

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