Whitmer Thomas: The Golden One is a comedy special film that originally premiered on HBO in early 2020. The film follows comedian and musician Whitmer Thomas as he shares personal stories and songs from his life growing up in Alabama to his current life as an "aging emo kid" in Los Angeles.

Throughout the film, Thomas delves into topics like dating, drinking, family, and the legacy of his late mother. He shares funny and sometimes poignant anecdotes about his troubled relationships with women, his struggles with alcoholism, and his experiences with therapy.

Interspersed with these stories are Thomas's original songs, which often touch on similar topics and playfully lament his misfortunes in love and life. These songs, which range from indie rock ballads to synthesizer-driven pop tunes, add another layer of humor and emotional depth to the film.

Ultimately, Whitmer Thomas: The Golden One is an offbeat and introspective exploration of identity and the universal experience of growing up and figuring things out along the way. It is a must-see for fans of Thomas's unique brand of comedy and music.

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