Whitetail is a thrilling independent movie that chronicles the hunting trip of Donnie Mann (portrayed by Jonny Mars), his father (played by James Morrison), and uncle (portrayed by Glenn Morshower) in the vast, unforgiving landscape of West Texas. As the three men traverse the rugged terrain in search of Whitetail deer, they stumble upon a badly injured man (portrayed by Jamil "MINT" Prattis), who has been shot in the stomach and is clutching a backpack full of cash.

Over the course of the weekend, Donnie and his family find themselves at the center of a mystery as they try to figure out who shot the man and why he was carrying so much money. As the three men navigate this dangerous situation, they find themselves at odds with one another as their true motivations and desires come to light.

Whitetail is a gripping and suspenseful film that explores the consequences of greed and the lengths that people will go to protect themselves and their families. This captivating movie showcases the beautiful and harsh landscape of West Texas while also delving into the emotional complexities of family relationships and the moral dilemmas that arise in the face of unexpected danger.

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