The movie follows the character of John Wilson, a successful and volatile movie director, who is known for his eccentric ways and his obsession with hunting wild animals. John takes his movie crew to Africa to film his latest project, but his focus soon shifts towards hunting down an elephant, which he believes will give him a sense of satisfaction he has never experienced before.

As John and his crew venture deep into the African wilderness, the tensions between them start to boil over. John becomes increasingly self-absorbed and reckless, putting his entire crew in danger as he becomes more obsessed with hunting down the elephant.

Meanwhile, a local woman named Kivu warns John of the dangers of the jungle, including encounters with warring tribes and wild animals. However, John's arrogance and single-mindedness prevent him from heeding her advice.

As the hunt becomes more dangerous and the crew members start to question John's sanity, they begin to realize that their director is not the god-like figure they thought he was. In the end, John's obsession leads to a tragic and violent confrontation with the animal he seeks to kill, and his crew is left to pick up the pieces of this disastrous expedition.

White Hunter, Black Heart is a gripping and intense drama, which explores themes of obsession, power, and imperialism, and provides a scathing critique of the reckless arrogance of Westerners who seek to conquer the wild terrain of Africa. The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Peter Viertel, which was inspired by the real-life experiences of the legendary director, John Huston.

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