The film White Girl Apokalypse follows the story of a young woman, Madison, who is a typical "basic white girl" obsessed with coffee and social media. She finds herself caught in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and must learn to survive in a world where the rules have completely changed.

Soon after the outbreak, Madison meets a group of survivors who are just as different from each other as they are from her. There's Alex, a tough and no-nonsense former military man; Zoe, a headstrong feminist activist; and Brandon, a sarcastic slacker-type who always has a joke ready.

At first, Madison struggles to adapt to life in the apocalypse and is more concerned with finding a way to get her caffeine fix than with survival. However, as she spends more time with her new group of friends, she begins to realize the true nature of the world they are living in.

As they travel through the zombie-infested landscape, they encounter other groups of survivors who are not always friendly. Madison and her companions are forced to make difficult decisions and defend themselves against both the undead and their fellow humans.

The film is a mix of humor, action, and drama, as the group struggles to survive in a world where the normal rules no longer apply. Ultimately, Madison must decide what is more important to her, her own survival or the relationships she has formed with her new friends.

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