Whirlybird is a documentary film directed by Matt Yoka that delves into the life and work of Bob Tur and Marika Gerrard, a couple who revolutionized news coverage by using a helicopter for their reporting. Bob and Marika were early pioneers of helicopter reporting, capturing a variety of breaking news events in Los Angeles and other parts of the country throughout the 1980s and 1990s.

Using their helicopter, which they dubbed "Whirlybird," Bob and Marika were able to capture quick shots of car chases, wildfires, and other news events, often beating traditional news crews to the scene. However, their success came at a cost, as their work often left them grappling with the emotional toll of covering traumatic events, such as the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

As the film progresses, viewers are taken on a journey through Bob and Marika's personal lives, which were just as turbulent as the news events they covered. The documentary explores their marriage, which ultimately ended in divorce, along with Bob's transgender identity and his struggles with addiction.

Through a combination of archival footage and contemporary interviews with Bob, Marika, and their family members, Whirlybird paints a vivid picture of a couple who changed the face of news reporting while grappling with the personal and professional challenges that came with their success.

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