Where's Poppa? is a black comedy film released in 1970, directed by Carl Reiner and stars George Segal, Ruth Gordon and Trish Van Devere. The story revolves around a Jewish lawyer named Gordon Hocheiser, who is struggling to keep his senile mother away from his love interest, Louise Callan. He fears that his mother's insanity might drive Louise away, and sets out a twisted plan to eliminate her, including placing a variety of booby traps in their shared apartment.

The film portrays Gordon's relationship with his mother as both comical and disturbing. His mother, played by Ruth Gordon, is almost completely out of touch with reality, and frequently indulges in inappropriate behavior. Gordon's frustrations with his mother's eccentricities are exacerbated by his job as a public defender, which exposes him to daily doses of misery and misfortune.

As the film progresses, Gordon becomes increasingly desperate in his attempts to remove his mother from his life, leading him to engage in increasingly sinister and cruel behavior. Meanwhile, Louise becomes increasingly suspicious of Gordon's motives and begins to investigate his past.

Where's Poppa? received mixed reviews upon its release, with some critics praising its dark humor while others criticized its cruelty and lack of taste. However, it has since gained a cult following due to its bizarre and unforgettable premise.

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