Where the Truth Lies is a 2005 mystery thriller film directed by Atom Egoyan and starring Kevin Bacon and Colin Firth. The film follows ambitious reporter Karen O'Connor (played by Alison Lohman) as she investigates the sudden split of a 1950s comedy duo, Vince Collins (Bacon) and Lanny Morris (Firth).

O'Connor is hired to write a book about the duo and their successful career, but quickly discovers that there's more to their story than what the public saw. As she delves deeper into their past, she uncovers dark secrets and scandals, including the mysterious death of a young woman in their hotel room years earlier.

As O'Connor gets closer to the truth, she becomes entangled in a dangerous web of lies and deceit, putting her own life at risk. Along the way, she also becomes romantically involved with both Collins and Morris, further complicating the already twisted situation.

Ultimately, Where the Truth Lies is a gripping and suspenseful tale of fame, fortune, and the price of success. With strong performances from its talented cast and a thought-provoking script, it's a must-see for fans of mystery and thriller movies.

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