Where the Sidewalk Ends is a 1950 film noir directed by Otto Preminger and starring Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney, and Gary Merrill. The film revolves around a seasoned police detective named Detective Mark Dixon (played by Andrews) who has a reputation for being violent and rough around the edges. He is known for using his fists instead of his brains to solve cases, which has made him unpopular among his colleagues and the city's criminal underworld.

Mark is assigned to investigate the murder of a bookie named Scalise, who was killed by Ken Paine (played by Merrill), the son of a prominent businessman. In an effort to protect Ken, his father uses his influence to get Mark assigned to the case, hoping that he will be biased in Ken's favor. Mark discovers that Ken did indeed kill Scalise, but as he gets closer to the truth, he finds himself in a difficult position. He has to choose between doing what is right and turning against somebody who has shown him kindness.

During the course of his investigation, Mark also meets Morgan Taylor (played by Tierney), Scalise's girlfriend, whom he becomes romantically involved with. She becomes a key figure in his pursuit of the truth, and he is forced to confront his own violent nature and the consequences of his choices.

Where the Sidewalk Ends is a classic film noir that features dramatic tension, complex characters, and a dark and foreboding atmosphere. The movie explores a variety of themes including morality, redemption, and the struggle between good and evil. It received critical and commercial success upon its release and is regarded as one of the best examples of the film noir genre.

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