In the movie When Women Rule the World, the four young protagonists, Jake, Nick, Lindsey and Alex, accidentally stumble upon a time-vortex while hiking in the mountains. They get sucked into the vortex and find themselves transported to a future where the world is in ruins and women have taken over ruling the earth.

The women have divided themselves into different tribes, each with their own set of rules and leaders. The four newcomers are initially captured and treated as outsiders, but they eventually earn the trust of one tribe and are able to join forces with them in their quest to overthrow the ruthless queen of another tribe, who is determined to maintain her power over all others.

As the group navigates through this new world and its dangers, they discover that men are scarce and are considered valuable commodities. This has led to a society where women dominate all aspects of life, which initially confuses and disorients the four protagonists.

As they work to overthrow the evil queen and restore some semblance of order to the future world they find themselves in, Jake and Lindsey develop feelings for each other, while Nick and Alex struggle to keep their wits about them as they adjust to this new reality. In the end, the group finds a way to return to their own time, hoping to take the lessons they have learned with them and use them to build a better future for all.

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