When the Storm Fades is a docudrama film directed and written by Sean Devlin. The film revolves around a family from Tacloban, Philippines who experiences the aftermath of the catastrophic Hurricane Yolanda in 2013. The film is shot in a format that blends both fictional and non-fictional storytelling.

The film depicts the struggles of a family who have lost everything in the hurricane, including their home and loved ones. The film shows how they are trying to rebuild their lives by themselves, with little help from the authorities or foreign aid workers. The family's resilience and determination to rebuild their lives in the face of overwhelming odds is shown in an inspiring manner.

Throughout the film, we see the family and their neighbors working tirelessly to rebuild their houses and their community. We also see the harsh reality of the impact of the hurricane on their daily lives with scenes of the father looking for work, children dealing with the destruction and trauma in their own way, and the mother balancing her responsibilities with her own grief.

The two foreign aid workers portrayed in the film are shown to be both benevolent and bumbling, which adds a touch of levity to the otherwise serious subject matter. The film is both a call to action to support disaster-stricken communities and a beautiful portrayal of a community's resilience in the face of tragedy.

Overall, When the Storm Fades is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant documentary that showcases the strength and determination of the Filipino people in the aftermath of one of the most devastating storms in history.

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