When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit is a 2019 film based on the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name by Judith Kerr. The movie follows the story of a Jewish family who fled Germany during the rise of Nazi power, leaving behind their beloved pet rabbit, Pink Rabbit. The family consists of a young girl, Anna, her brother, Max, and their parents, who are famous journalists critical of the Nazi regime.

The film takes place in the years before World War II, as the family travels from Berlin to Switzerland to Paris in search of safety, ultimately ending up in London. Along the way, they meet various individuals who help them navigate the challenges of living as refugees and the anxieties of not knowing if they will ever be able to return to their home in Germany.

Throughout the movie, Anna struggles to come to terms with the changes in her life and the loss of her friends, school, and home. She also grapples with the realization that her father's work has put their family in danger. Meanwhile, her parents try to balance their fear for their own safety and their deep commitment to their profession.

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit is a poignant and engaging film that sheds light on the impact of the Holocaust on ordinary families, especially children. The film highlights the importance of empathy, resilience, and the power of hope amidst challenging circumstances.

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