
Drama  N/A 

Wheels follows the journey of two paraplegic junkies, Mickey and Drake, who navigate through the streets of Los Angeles in their customized wheelchairs. They survive by hustling and stealing, but their lives change when they meet a young runaway, Chloe, who becomes their friend and confidante.

Struggling to find a reason to live, Mickey and Drake rely on each other to overcome their cravings and depression. They try to make a better life for themselves by participating in drug trials and going to counseling sessions. Along the way, they encounter other individuals with disabilities who inspire them to keep going.

As they work towards their goal of finding a reason to live, Mickey, Drake, and Chloe confront challenges such as drug dealers, police harassment, and their own inner demons. They discover that despite their limitations, they still have the power to make a difference in their own lives and in the lives of others.

Wheels offers a poignant and realistic look at the challenges facing people with disabilities in society, while also emphasizing the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

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