The movie What Just Happened follows the life of a Hollywood producer named Ben, who is facing multiple challenges in his personal and professional life. Ben is struggling to keep up with the demands of the film industry, trying his best to get his latest projects off the ground. However, his biggest hurdle comes from his boss, a woman who is very difficult to work with and demands that he make significant changes to a movie starring Sean Penn.

Ben also has to deal with the ego of Bruce Willis, who is refusing to shave his beard for a movie that Ben is trying to get greenlit. As if this wasn't enough, Ben is also trying to repair his relationship with his wife, who has become frustrated with his constant focus on work and his neglect of their family life. To make things worse, his daughter is becoming increasingly distant and uninterested in spending time with him.

Over the course of the film, Ben becomes increasingly frazzled as he struggles to balance his personal life with the demands of his job. He becomes embroiled in a love triangle with an aspiring young actress and a studio executive, and almost loses everything when a screening of his latest project goes disastrously wrong. However, in the end, Ben manages to salvage his career and his relationships with his wife and daughter, showing that sometimes, it's possible to find balance in Hollywood after all.

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