Chris Neilson, played by Robin Williams, is a highly successful pediatrician who enjoys a happy life with his beautiful wife, Annie (played by Annabella Sciorra), and two children. However, everything changes when the couple's children die in a tragic car accident, and Annie becomes extremely depressed and eventually commits suicide.

The movie begins after Chris has died and has been in heaven for some time. He is living in a beautiful, picturesque paradise with a colorful landscape of clouds and rainbows. He is accompanied by Albert Lewis (Cuba Gooding Jr.), who is his guide and mentor in heaven. However, Chris discovers that his wife Annie has gone to hell, a place where souls are tormented and trapped in their own personal hell.

Chris is deeply saddened to learn about his wife's fate, and despite Albert's warnings and the risks, Chris sets out on a dangerous and treacherous journey to rescue his beloved Annie from hell. He has to confront his own fears and overcome many obstacles along the way to reach his goal and bring Annie back to heaven.

As he journeys through the terrifying depths of hell, Chris discovers the true power of his love and the lengths to which he is willing to go to save his wife. What Dreams May Come is a touching and emotionally powerful story about the enduring power of love, even in the face of death and damnation. The movie was released in 1998 and directed by Vincent Ward.

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