What Death Leaves Behind is a psychological thriller that explores the concept of transplant trauma. It revolves around the protagonist Jake Warren, who receives a kidney from a donor after struggling with renal failure for many years. Soon after the transplant, he begins experiencing vivid nightmares that he believes are visions of his donor's brutal murder. The nightmares are so intense that they start affecting his daily life and relationships.

Desperate to unravel the mystery behind the nightmares, Jake embarks on a dark path of vengeance and begins investigating the circumstances surrounding his donor's death. As he delves deeper, he uncovers shocking secrets and a web of lies that lead him to an unbearable truth.

The movie is a gripping tale of suspense and mystery that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The chilling plot delves into the complex human psyche and explores the psychological toll of organ transplants. It also sheds light on the ethical dilemmas surrounding organ donation and transplantation and the impact it has on the individuals involved.

The cast includes a talented ensemble, including Christopher Mann, Kathy Searle, and Vincent Young, who bring their characters to life with utmost conviction. The cinematography is visually stunning, offering a blend of atmospheric shots that perfectly capture the mood and tone of the movie.

Overall, What Death Leaves Behind is a must-watch for fans of the thriller genre. It combines elements of mystery, suspense, and horror to deliver an intense and captivating story that stays with you long after the credits roll.

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