The movie What Bitch? revolves around two families who are shopping in a thrift store on a busy Saturday afternoon. The families, who already have a history of bad blood between them, accidentally bump into each other in the store.

What starts as a minor argument quickly escalates into a heated exchange of insults. The tension between the two families is palpable, and as things continue to escalate, it becomes clear that this argument is not going to end peacefully.

The first punch is thrown when one of the family members accuses the other of stealing a vintage jacket. Tempers flare, and the two groups start to throw punches at each other in the cramped thrift store aisles. The store's security guard tries to intervene, but he's quickly overpowered by the brawling families.

As the fight spills out of the store and onto the streets, bystanders start to take notice. The police are called, but when they arrive at the scene, they find themselves outnumbered and outmatched by the warring families.

As the fight continues, the reason for their animosity towards each other slowly comes to light. It turns out that the two families have been feuding for generations over a misunderstanding that occurred years ago.

Despite the police's best efforts to break up the fight, the families continue to battle it out until they are all exhausted. In the end, they finally reconcile and acknowledge the absurdity of their situation. They all leave the thrift store together, calling a truce and promising to never let their family's petty conflicts get in the way of their relationships again.

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